Supreme Court, Courts in General, and How They Change in a Multi Party Republic
For no particular reason, for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Ruth Bader Ginsberg died on September 18th, 2020 for reasons that actually have nothing to do with COVID-19, I want to talk about judges in America and the judiciary more generally. So, to recap some things. The legislatures and multi member bodies with each member having equal power and their members only having power collectively in America are elected in this model by single transferable vote, primaries nominate their candidates for multi member bodies like legislatures and special district boards (like school boards) by single transferable vote, other positions are elected by ranked ballots with their respective primaries using ranked ballots as well, with majority votes necessary to win. To start, let's see how courts are constitutionally regulated. The federal courts are mostly pretty similar in their appointment. The president nominates someone, and the senate confirms them, se...