
Showing posts from June, 2020

How Police can be Changed in a Multi Party Democracy

As you have no doubt been aware, the horrific murder of George Floyd, the murder of thousands of people by police in the decades leading up to this point, the despicable use of coercive forces by the Presidential administration to disperse peaceful protests just to get a photo opportunity with a Bible that isn't even his, without the approval of the administration of the church he used as a backdrop, have been deeply intertwined with how persistent racism, concentration of power behind executive authority, the limitation of civil rights, political polarization, and the difficulty with keeping police and the justice system in general behind democratic legitimacy. There are many different roots of this, from how America's political systems largely predate parliamentarianism as it developed in England and later the United Kingdom, leaving the legislatures with distinct separate authority to try and control the executive through trying to pass laws, trying to impeach the crown...

States of emergency

You may or may not be shocked to hear that we are in the middle of a pandemic that at the time of posting, has killed over one hundred thousand people in America alone and 374 thousand people across the entire world that have been confirmed, though with poor reporting from the PR of China and the Russian Federation, among others, in less than six months, almost a 9/11 every day. This disease is highly contagious (changing the R-Nought number from 1.3 like the common influenza, H1N1, to 2 like COVID-19, after ten rounds of people sharing it, makes it go from 56 people sick with influenza to 2047 people sick), is very dangerous to the elderly and anyone with things like pneumonia, spreads via airborne transmission, and made it's way from about 34 thousand dead in late March around the world to eleven times that much in just about 70 days. That's two and a half 9/11s every day. Of course, people are getting very freaked out, they can't see the enemy and so they literally c...